What Are The Microscope Nosepiece Functions?

revolving nosepiece microscope function

The microscope is one of the most critical tools in the scientific world. It allows us to see things too small to be seen with the naked eye and opens up a whole new world of discovery. It started as a simple gadget invented around 1590. Though it is unclear whether it was Hans Lippershey …

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What is a Condenser of a Microscope? Functions, Types, and How It Works

What is a condenser of a microscope

The microscope is one of the most important scientific discoveries ever. It has addressed a significant portion of basic human curiosity about things that are too minuscule to view with the naked eye, but it has also aided in saving lives. Microscopes made it possible to study bacteria and viruses, which led to major medical …

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AMSCOPE B120C Microscope Reviews: Your Ultimate Guide to Buying the Best Model [2023]

AMSCOPE B120C review

The AmScope B120C is a fantastic yet cost-effective microscope from the industry’s top maker. With its wide range of features and robust construction, the B120C is a top choice for professional researchers and casual hobbyists. With precision optical glass elements and a powerful 40x-1000x magnification range, the AmScope B120 offers superb clarity for examining anything …

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Everything You Need to Know About A Dissecting Microscope

Ever heard of microscopes? I’m sure pretty much most of us know a thing or two about microscopes. You may have even seen an actual one or even used it. Microscopes can be pretty interesting even for those who aren’t that much into science. In fact, microscopy is the science wherein specimens are investigated under …

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Can Viruses Be Seen With A Light Microscope?

Light microscopes are handy optical instruments that come with a variety of essential uses, such as in studying various microorganisms, including parasites, bacteria, and fungi. However, they also come with many limitations. While a light microscope can be extremely beneficial in bacteriology and pathology, can the same be said for, say, virology? Can viruses be …

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Microscopy 101: Field of View

The field of microscopy can be fun and exciting, as you get to explore many different possibilities in the world around you. But, to fully understand how microscopy works, it’s important to learn about its basic principles and underlying concepts. This includes having an idea about how light refraction works, understanding the concepts of magnification …

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Transmission Electron Microscope vs Scanning Electron Microscope


Electron microscopes are one of the most (if not the most) powerful imaging devices ever invented, and these are just about powerful enough to let us see the smallest details of any material right down to each atom. There are two main types of electron microscopes, namely, transmission electron microscopes (TEM) and scanning electron microscopes …

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Light Microscope vs Electron Microscope

We are all familiar with light microscopes, especially the compound microscope. We have seen plenty of this during our years in school, and even on television, perhaps at work as well. So, we have a general idea on what it is and how it works. But, what about electron microscopes? You may or may not …

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Microscope 101: Depth of Field vs Depth of Focus

The definition of depth of field and depth of focus in microscopy and how to calculate each one An important concept in microscopy is the depth of field, and the depth of focus, which are two related principles that are often interchangeably used. Both of these things have to do with the range of distance …

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