How to Prepare Microscope Slides: A Step by Step Guide

For many types of microscopes, especially light or bright field microscopes, some form of specimen sample preparation must be done before the specimen can be viewed under the microscope. Take for example a compound light microscope. It makes use of microscope slides to mount the specimen on, before loading it onto the microscope for viewing. …

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A Detailed History Of The Microscope

The Guide About History of Microscope

Microscopes are highly useful scientific devices that enable us to see small objects and organisms that are otherwise too small to see clearly, or not entirely visible to the naked eye to begin with. The goal of being able to look at small objects clearly by making them appear larger was achieved initially with the …

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Bright field Microscope: Facts and FAQs

You might be wondering what a brightfield microscope is, but chances are, you have already seen one- more specifically, a compound light microscope. The thing is, brightfield microscopes are really common and can be found in just about any lab and science classroom. These microscopes operate through a basic form of optical microscopy, and are …

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Electron Microscope Images That Show The Power of Electron Microscopes

The history of microscopy spans more than a thousand years, starting from a just simple glass lens that ultimately developed into complicated contraptions that can easily cost millions of dollars. You might have heard of one of the latest innovations in microscopy, the electron microscope, and we are sure you have a lot of questions. …

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Electron Microscopes

The Pro and Cons of Electron Microscope

One of the most important inventions in microscopy in the 20th century that has largely shaped how we approach science and technology is the electron microscope. It’s a uniquely wonderful imaging device that puts all other microscopes in shame. Electron microscopes offer us certain features and capabilities that are like no other. These microscopes have …

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Parts of A Compound Microscope – A Definitive Guide

Parts of a Light Compoud Microscope (guide)

To be able to correctly use a compound microscope, it is important to know all its different parts and how each one works. Otherwise, you might not be able to properly view the specimen you are studying, or worse, risk breaking or damaging the microscope due to improper use. We will go in great detail …

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The Different Types of Microscopes – A Comprehensive Guide

The Different Types of Microscopes

Whenever we think of a microscope, what usually comes into minds is a compound microscope, since this is what we experimented with during science class, and what we often see on television as well. But, there are actually several kinds of microscopes, and each of them functions somewhat differently and serve a variety of purposes. …

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Compound Light Microscope: Everything You Need to Know

Compound Light Microscope Guide

Everyone is familiar with a compound microscope to some degree, since it’s what we often see in school and on television. Many of us even had the experience of using one at some point throughout our education. Compound light microscopes are small, simple, and convenient. They are also inexpensive, which is partly why they are …

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How Electron Microscopes Pioneered Atom Microscopy

The history and growth of microscopy may have started by accident or through simple curiosity, but much like everything else in modern civilization, it has evolved largely to accommodate a certain need, which, at its core, is to look at the smallest possible thing as magnified as possible. And for science, that means being able …

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